Monday, November 17, 2008

The first layer of the SBS roof has been put down. You can see the red primer on the parapet. The membrane has been lapped up over the parapet and we are waiting for the granular cap sheet to be applied.

This is the South elevation of the Third Floor Garden Room.

Main floor of the South side of the duplex looing West towards the entry.

Front elevation viewed from 23rd Street.

Rear elevation viewed from the lane.

Plumbing rough-ins are nearly complete and we expect them to be completed and inspected tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


Your home is looking good. Great to see some modernist homes going up here in Vancouver. I'm over on Bowen.

I found you on the airstream forum. I'm getting a 71 overlander soon. I have to bring it up from the states.

I wish I had an airstream when I built my house. Does not quite compare to a Prowler.

Good luck with your build.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cameron,

The progress on your project is impressive. When is the projected completion date? Wishing you and the dogs Happy Holidays.

Larry in San Diego

Cameron said...

Thanks for the kind word, Marcus. If you're in the area, just let me know and I can give you a tour. Where will you be bringing the overlander up from?

Larry, it's good to hear from you! How is your garden doing? How is Mac? I'm hoping for a late spring completion date. Perhaps my contractor will surprise me and finish earlier.

