Thursday, August 28, 2008


Concrete was poured on Monday, August 18 and the forms stripped a couple of days later. There was a bit of a bulge that the contractor came and ground out. Time that could have been spent applying the waterproofing. The weather was great for it. The company putting in the waterproofing and drainage mat was supposed to do the work yesterday, but things were wet in the morning when they arrived. Shame they didn't stick around, as the day turned out great. Nothing but rain is forecast now, so things are at a bit of a standstill.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


For the past week, a crew of men have been putting together the formwork for the basement footings and foundations. Inspections should happen tomorrow once they finish up securing some of the horizontal rebar. Concrete is scheduled to be poured on Monday.

These shots are viewed from the back (North) of the property. The opening at the end will contain the French doors which will open onto the garden court.

The following shots are from the front (South) end of the property. The recess in the end is for the window wells to bring light into the basement of the North unit.